Retirement. What does it mean to you?

So many people view retirement as the final step on the journey of life and it is so not the case today.  We need to view the next segment of our life with energy and vigor. People with a positive outlook to life are expected to live an extra 7.5 years but sadly some people […]

Investing in a recession: Top tips

Article from Business Report OnlineHerman van Papendorp, head of investment research and asset allocation at Momentum Investments shares his top three tips when investing in a recession. Karen Sandison/African News Agency (ANA) CAPE TOWN – The announcement that South Africa was in its first technical recession in nine years has dominated conversations from the newsroom to […]

Wanneer kom ‘n familietrust tot ‘n einde

8 Augustus – VDT Attorneys – “Ek het ‘n familietrust vir die doeleindes van boedelbeplanning gestig om seker te maak my kinders is versorg ná my afsterwe. Ek wonder egter of die trust ná my dood beëindig kan word, en indien wel, wanneer? Ek wil nie dat al my beplanning op niks uitloop omdat […]

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