(Afrikaans version is below the English)
Ultima Financial Planners recently announced that one of their employees, Hester van der Merwe, was named 2020’s Financial Planner of the Year at the FPI’s annual awards ceremony which was held at Pigalle restaurant in Sandton.
Hester joins founder and director, Gerrit Viljoen (2003), and Jan-Carel Botha (2012) as Ultima Financial Planners’ third winner of this coveted title.
“It is a remarkable achievement to be confirmed as an industry leader but with that also comes a responsibility to take the lead when it comes to professional service, innovative solutions, deep-rooted customer relationships and quality financial advice,” says Ultima Financial Planners’ director, Hendri de Klerk.
“We are very proud of Hester for achieving this remarkable accomplishment in the midst of a challenging year. People do not always understand the hard work, in addition to her normal Ultima responsibilities, that goes into something like this. However, we never doubted her ability and know that she has played and will continue to play a major role in the financial planning sector.”
This award is considered the highest accolade bestowed on financial planners in South Africa and represents the very pinnacle of the profession.
Candidates had to undergo a rigorous selection process and had to showcase their skills and expertise through numerous practical challenges.
According to the FPI, Hester set herself apart from the competition through the depth of her knowledge, the immense detail of her financial plans and her exceptional personal commitment to her clients.
“I am in total awe of the years of dedication and hard work it has taken for each winner to get where they are,” says Lelané Bezuidenhout, CEO of the FPI. “2020 has reminded me that there is no such thing as luck – only hard work, dedication and professionalism.”
Other 2020 award winners include BDO Wealth Advisers (Professional Practice of the Year), Didintle Mokonoto (Diversity and Inclusion Award), Caroline da Silva (Harry Brews Award), Francois du Toit (It Starts with Me Award) and Brandon Ellse (Top Candidate Award).
“Firstly, I want to give all the glory to my Heavenly Father, who makes everything possible. I feel incredibly humbled and thankful to be this year’s winner. I am excited and a little nervous at the same time, but cannot wait to sink my teeth into all that next year will bring,” says Hester about the honour of winning this prestigious prize. “Thank you to the FPI who has entrusted me with this role! I expect it to be a steep learning curve, but now that the ball is my court, I plan on giving it my best shot.”
Hester has more than seventeen years of experience in financial planning and joined the Ultima team in 2015, where she fulfils the role of financial planner and advisor.
Prior to joining Ultima Financial Planners, she worked as a financial planner at FNB and has always enjoyed adding value to her clients’ lives.
She initially studied Law at the University of Pretoria. After entering the financial sector, she decided to further her education by obtaining a post graduate diploma in Financial Planning from the University of the Free State, as well as a certificate in Advanced Trust Law from the University of Pretoria.
Her long-term goal is not only to advance her profession as an ambassador of the FPI, but also to educate and inspire women from all walks of life.
“I think that it is time for women to put on their financial boots and climb that mountain! If I can inspire someone to become a planner, or face their own finances and take control, or maybe just get involved in the household finances, I will feel that I have made good use of my year,” she shares.
Hester currently resides in Pretoria, with her husband and three children. Outside of finance, she enjoys mountain biking, camping, reading, baking, spending time with her family and doing DIY projects in and around the house.
She believes that everyone has a unique financial story and wants to help people to understand it in order to take control of their own finances.
“I would like to introduce as many people as possible to their money story. This is in line with my belief that we work with the person first and then with the portfolio. We all have things in our lives that affect the way we look at money and, by helping clients to understand this, I can motivate them to take action and change their situation,” Hester concludes.
Ultima Financial Planners het pas aangekondig dat een van hulle werknemers, Hester van der Merwe, aangewys is as 2020 se Finansiële Beplanner van die Jaar tydens die Finansiële Beplanningsinstituut (FPI) se jaarlikse toekenningseremonie by Pigalle Restaurant in Sandton.
Hester sluit aan by stigterslid en direkteur, Gerrit Viljoen (2003), en Jan-Carel Botha (2012) as Ultima Financial Planners se derde wenner van hierdie gesogte titel.
“Dit is ’n besonderse prestasie om as leier in ons bedryf bevestig te word. Daarmee saam kom egter ook ’n verantwoordelikheid om leiding te neem in die industrie wanneer dit kom by professionele diens, innovasie in ons oplossings, diepgewortelde kliënteverhoudings en kwaliteit finansiële advies,” sê Ultima Financial Planners se direkteur, Hendri de Klerk.
“Ons is baie trots op Hester dat sy, te midde van ’n uitdagende jaar, kon deurdruk met die kompetisie. Mense besef nie altyd hoeveel werk, bo-en-behalwe haar verpligtinge by Ultima, in so iets ingaan nie. Ons het egter nooit getwyfel in haar vermoëns nie en het geweet dat sy ’n baie unieke rol speel wat haar vertrouensverhouding met kliënte aanbetref en dat sy voortaan ook ’n groot rol gaan speel in opleiding op hierdie gebied.”
Hierdie toekenning word beskou as die hoogste eer wat ’n finansiële beplanner in Suid-Afrika kan verwerf en word gesien as die toppunt van sukses in hierdie bedryf.
Die kandidate moes ’n streng keuringsproses ondergaan en hulle vaardighede en kundigheid ten toon stel deur middel van talle praktiese uitdagings.
Volgens die FPI, het Hester haarself van die kompetisie onderskei met haar uitgebreide kennis, noukeurige finansiële beplanning en buitengewone persoonlike toewyding aan haar kliënte.
“Ek is absoluut verstom oor die jare harde werk en deursettingsvermoë van elke deelnemer om te kom waar hulle vandag is,” sê Lelané Bezuidenhout, hoof uitvoerende beampte van die FPI. “2020 het my weereens geleer dat daar nie iets is soos ’n gelukskoot nie – net harde werk, deursettingsvermoë en professionaliteit.”
Ander 2020-wenners sluit in BDO Wealth Advisers (Professionele Maatskappy van die Jaar), Didintle Mokonoto (Diversiteit- en insluitingstoekenning), Caroline da Silva (Harry Brews-toekenning), Francois du Toit (Dit Begin Met My-toekenning) en Brandon Ellse (Top-kandidaattoekenning).
“Eerstens wil ek net alle eer aan my Hemelse Vader gee wat alles moontlik maak. Ek voel ongelooflik dankbaar om vanjaar se wenner te wees. Alhoewel ek opgewonde en senuweeagtig is, kan ek nie wag om aan die werk te spring en te sien wat die jaar inhou nie,” sê Hester oor die voorreg om met hierdie toekenning vereer te word. “Baie dankie aan die FPI wat hierdie rol aan my toevertrou het! Ek verwag dat dit ’n strawwe leerkurwe gaan wees en ek beplan om dit my beste probeerslag te gee.”
Hester het meer as sewentien jaar se ervaring in die finansiële bedryf en het in 2015 by die Ultima-span aangesluit, waar sy as fiansiële beplanner en –adviseur werk.
Voordat sy by Ultima Financial Planners begin het, was sy ’n finansiële beplanner by FNB en geniet sy dit nog altyd om waarde tot haar kliënte se lewens te voeg.
Sy het aanvanklik Regte studeer aan die Univeriteit van Pretoria. Nadat sy die finansiële mark betree het, het sy egter besluit om verder te leer en het sy haar nagraadse diploma in Finansiële Beplanning aan die Universiteit van die Vrystaat, asook ’n sertifikaat in Gevorderde Trustreg aan die Universiteit van Pretoria verwerf.
Haar langtermyn-doelwit is nie net om haar professie te bevorder as ambassadeur van die FPI nie, maar ook om vroue uit alle vlakke van die samelewing op te voed en te inspireer.
“Ek dink dit is tyd dat vroue hulle finansiële stewels aantrek en daardie berg uitklim! As ek iemand kan inspireer om ’n beplanner te word, beheer te neem van haar eie finansiële situasie, of dalk net betrokke te raak by haar huishouding te finansies, sal ek voel dat ek my jaar goed benut het,” deel sy.
Hester woon tans in Pretoria saam met haar man en drie kinders. Wanneer sy nie werk nie, geniet sy dit om bergfiets te ry, te kamp, te lees, te bak, tyd saam met haar familie te spandeer en selfdoenprojekte in en rondom die huis aan te pak.
Sy glo dat elke mens ’n unieke geldstorie het en wil mense graag help om dit te verstaan, sodat hulle beheer van hulle finansies kan neem:
“Ek wil graag soveel mense as moontlik aan hulle geldstorie voorstel. Dit sluit weer aan by my oortuiging dat ons eers met die mens en dan met die portefeulje werk. Elkeen van ons het goed in ons lewe wat beïnvloed hoe ons met geld werk. Ek wil kliënte help om dit te verstaan, sodat hulle kan aksie neem en hulle omstandighede kan verander.”
Alishia van Deventer
Sel: 083 635 4717
E-pos: [email protected]