Formal emigration not a ticket to tax exemption
TAX / 13 JULY 2019, 09:00AM / JOSEPH BOOYSEN ~ Personal Finance ONCE South Africans emigrate, they are not totally exempt from tax. Supplied Many South Africans believe they are completely tax-exempt in South Africa once they have formally emigrated, but this is a huge misconception, says Coreen van der Merwe, managing director of the South African arm of […]
Expatriate tax and financial emigration
Pre 1st March 2020 – Many South Africans are employed in foreign countries. Currently foreign remuneration is exempt from income tax in South Africa if compliant with the “183/60 tax exemption” in the Income Tax Act. On the 1st March 2001, SA adopted a “residency-based” income-tax system. This means that an individual pays income tax […]