The term “pop-up” is currently very popular with reference to mobile restaurants and other social events. However, in this instance we are not supporting an up and coming young chef but an amazing organisation aiming at the upliftment of under-privileged communities.
According to the definition used by POPUP a disempowered person is someone who is illiterate, unskilled, poor and unemployed. Their mission is to transform lives, based on a Christian world view and values, through:
- Personal restoration and life skills,
- Affordable teaching and learning,
- Entrepreneurial development, job creation and work placement, and
- The provision of medical and social support services.
Currently, POPUP’s main centre is located in Salvokop with a second centre in Soshanguve that was established in 2012. The organisation provides services to people in the City of Tshwane, regardless of race, culture, gender or religion.
POPUP offers 9 SETA accredited market related skills programmes to unemployed people. These include adult education and training, English literacy and numeracy, hospitality services, cooking, cleaning and laundry, sewing, computer and office administration as well as call centre and cashier training.